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Leadership and Governance


Councils and Committees

District Education Council

The District Education Council (DEC) provides local governance and community input for ASD-W. Our DEC is comprised of 13 elected and two appointed members who work to develop objectives that address the priorities of our district.

Parent School Support Committees 

Parent School Support Committees (PSSC) bring together parents, students, staff, and community members to help make improvements to schools. Each school has a PSSC that advises and collaborates with the principal, other stakeholders and members to ensure that the school provides the best possible education for students.

Council of Student Leaders

The Council of Student Leaders is a student-led initiative in which students collaborate throughout the school year to improve some aspect of school life for their fellow students. Students prepare a report with recommendations which they present to district senior leadership for review and potential implementation.

Home and School Association 

Home and School Associations are primarily active in elementary and middle schools. They focus on enriching student life, funding special projects, and coordinating volunteers. More information on Home and School Associations can be found on each school’s website.  
