This page includes information on bus transportation routes, stops, and safety.
Bus routes
School bus eligibility
Students who live farther than 2.4 km from their zone school or who live on side roads longer than 1 km are eligible for transportation by school bus, as outlined by the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, under NB Regulation 2001-51. Anglophone West School District aims to provide extended transportation services if resources permit.
Transportation eligibility and nearby bus routes can be found through our online transportation app, BusPlanner. Visit the app by clicking the button below.
Notice: if the above application indicates that busing information is not available, try a nearby house number, a nearby street, other street spellings or abbreviations. If you continue to have difficulty, please contact the transportation department.
Alerts, delays, and cancellations
Up-to-date information on bus run delays and cancellations is available on the alerts page, via our Twitter account @ASD_West, and by calling the transportation hotline at 506-453-5454 or 1-888-388-4455. You can also hear alerts on your local radio stations.
For information about our school cancellation policy, visit the School Closure Due to Weather page.
Bus stops
Arrival and departure times
Your child should arrive at the bus stop 5 minutes before the scheduled pickup time. The bell schedule indicates bus arrival times at the schools. Bell schedules can be found on your child’s school website.
Changes to bus stops
The guideline for the number of school bus stops along a route is two stops per kilometre. School bus routes and stops are subject to change according to operational requirements. School bus drivers have the authority to group nearby stops.
Changes to bus routes during inclement weather
In inclement weather, school bus drivers have the authority to determine if they can safely travel on a particular road.
Safety Information
School bus drivers work with students on their buses to ensure they know how to be safe in and around the bus. This is reinforced in the classroom with the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development’s Dino-Bus school bus safety program and School Bus Safety – Grades 6 to 12 – A Team Effort.
A “First-time Riders” school bus safety orientation program is held the week before school starts in September. This orientation is for kindergarten students and older students who have not been bus students before.
During the first few months of school, all schools will participate in school bus emergency evacuation drills. Additionally, each school bus driver will review emergency evacuation procedures with each of their busloads of students.
Arriving at the bus stop safely
As a parent, it is your responsibility to make sure your child arrives safely at the school bus stop. Make sure your child knows their school bus stop and what it looks like. Be there to send off and greet your child. Ensure there are no hanging toys or drawstrings from your child’s clothing or book bag as these can get caught on handrails or in the doors.
Please ensure your child obeys the following safety rules:
Walk on the sidewalks and cross at the crosswalks.
In the absence of sidewalks and crosswalks, walk on the left side of the road facing the traffic.
Stop, look and listen before crossing the road. Only cross when it is safe to do so.
Always walk (do not run) across the road.
Obey the driver
Respect others
Remain seated
Keep the aisle clear
Talk quietly
Large musical instruments
Hockey sticks
Ice skates/roller skates (unless they are in a canvas-type bag and/or have skate guards)
Skis, poles, fishing rods, etc.
Archery equipment
Have a question about bus transportation or need help with the information on this page? Contact the transportation clerk in your education centre for more information.