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Woodstock High School, Townsview School, and Meduxnekeag Consolidated School will be closed today due to having no water. #asdwalert

5:51 am

Anglophone West Bus #224 serving the Fredericton South area is running 90 minutes late this morning due to a driver shortage. (#asdwalert)

6:14 am

June 8 , 2022 -Late Bus # 372 serving the Hoyt and Central Blissville areas is running 1 hour late this morning due to driver shortage.

7:08 am

Anglophone West Bus #275 serving the Keswick area is running 60 minutes late this morning due to mechanical issues. (#asdwalert)

6:48 am

Anglophone West Bus #233 serving the Fredericton South area is running 90 minutes late this morning due to a driver shortage. (#asdwalert)

6:12 am

Anglophone West Bus #227 serving the Fredericton South area is running 90 minutes late this morning due to a driver shortage. (#asdwalert)

6:17 am

Anglophone West Bus #222 serving the Fredericton South area is running 90 minutes late this morning due to a driver shortage. (#asdwalert)

6:16 am

Anglophone West Bus #259 serving the Fredericton North area is running 90 minutes late this morning due to a driver shortage. (#asdwalert)

6:14 am

Anglophone West Bus #243 serving the Fredericton North area is running 90 minutes late this morning due to a driver shortage. (#asdwalert)

6:15 am

Anglophone West Bus #258 serving the Fredericton North area is running 75 minutes late this morning due to a driver shortage. (#asdwalert)

6:07 am