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Bus 75 serving the Harvey area is running 2 hours late due to mechanical issues.

6:58 am

ASD–W Bus Route: 242, serving the Pepper Creek area in the morning and Gibson Neill Memorial, Devon Middle and Leo Hayes High Schools in the afternoon, will NOT be running today due to a shortage of drivers.

5:54 am

ASD–W Bus Route: 193, serving the Camber Drive, Hanwell Road and Valcour Drive areas in the morning and Hanwell Park Academy in the afternoon, will NOT be running today due to a shortage of drivers.

5:51 am

ASD–W Bus Route: 255, serving the Durham area will NOT be running this morning due to a shortage of drivers. The afternoon will run as scheduled.

5:50 am
ASD-W School buses in zones 6 will be delayed 1 hour this morning due to road conditions. Zone 6 – Greater Fredericton Area (Including New Maryland, Hanwell, Keswick Ridge, and Nashwaak Valley)
5:35 am

ASD–W Bus Route: 233, serving the Phillips Road, Nasonworth and Applewood Estates areas in the morning and George Street Middle and Fredericton High Schools in the afternoon, will NOT be running today due to a shortage of drivers.

9:13 pm

ASD–W Bus Route: 197, serving the Eaglewood Estates and Starlight Village areas in the morning and Hanwell Park Academy in the afternoon, will NOT be running today due to a shortage of drivers.

9:12 pm

ASD–W Bus Route: 226, serving the Islandview area in the morning and George Street Middle School in the afternoon, will NOT be running today due to a shortage of drivers.

9:13 pm

ASD-W Bus 85 serving Edmundston is running 30 minutes late this morning due to a mechanical issue.

7:18 am