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Alert issued for:

Bussing Changes for Mactaquac Dam Closure November 14th – 18th   KCS Students travelling in from Veysey Road will travel on Bus 213 Students travelling home on 211 will travel on Bus 213 KRS Keswick Ridge Students that travel home on 213 will take bus 211 during the closure.   GCES Bus 278 will deliver Garden Creek students coming in from Keswick Ridge Area Students that travel on Bus 279 in the morning from Veysey Rd will travel on Bus 213 Grade 3-5 that travel on Bus 211 going to Veysey Rd will take bus 226 K-2 Students that travel home on bus 211 will travel on bus 213   GSMS Students picked up by 279 from Veysey Road will travel on Bus 213 Students picked up by 279 on the corner of Woodstock Rd & Still Water Cr and Woodstock Rd & Angelview Ct will travel on bus 205 Students picked up by 279 on the corner of Woodstock Rd & Marlborough Dr will travel on bus 212 Students that would normally transfer on to 279 at KCS to go to George will go on bus 226 Students that transfer onto 211 at KCS going home will go on bus 212   FHS Students travelling in from French Village Rd will travel in on Bus 211 and go home on Bus 213 Students travelling in from Veysey Rd will travel on Bus 213 Students that travel home on bus 212 will travel on Bus 211

Updated at: 10:04 am, November 10, 2023