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Resources for Job Seekers

Apply to work in ASD-W

Fusion Instructions

Mandatory Documentation

To attain a Criminal and Vulnerable Record Check (CRC/VRC) letter, contact the ASD-W Education Centre closest to you (Oromocto (506) 357-4113, Fredericton (506) 444-5725, Woodstock (506) 325-4546). You can arrange to pick-up the letter, or have it mailed to you if you live outside the Education Centre locations.

The CRC/VRC letter will outline the process and the RCMP or City Police locations where a background check can be completed. Once the background check has been verified by your local police detachment, please complete the remaining instructions and upload in Fusion.

ASD-W Schools Map

View the locations of each of the schools within our district.

Why Work in ASD-W?

New Brunswick Teacher Recruitment and Certification

Teacher certification issued in New Brunswick (NB) is required to be employed as a teacher in the province. The responsibility for issuing an NB Teacher’s Certificate, NB Interim Teacher’s Certificates, NB Principal Certificates or NB Interim Principal Certificates is with the Office of Teacher Certification, Department of Education and Early Childhood Development. Please visit the province’s website for information on the respective forms, process and fees at Office of Teacher Certification. If you do not have a Bachelor of Education degree, you may apply for a local permit with the School District with your application for employment.

For those who have completed their teacher education in New Brunswick, or those who are certified in another province or internationally, please visit the province’s Become a teacher in New Brunswick page for a guide on how to start teaching with us.

Collective Agreements


Contact Us

If you have any questions about joining ASD-W or our hiring process, please email our Human Resources staff.