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Enterprise Program

The Enterprise Program is an alternative education program for students. It is administered by the Enterprise Centre, which is located at Fredericton High School.


This page contains information on the Enterprise Program. It includes an overview of the program, academic information, and the enrolment process.

The Enterprise Program is offered by the Enterprise Center.

About the program


The Enterprise Program is for students ages 17-21 who may be at risk of dropping out of high school or who are not currently attending school. Students earn their high school diploma by working individually and at their own pace through the required academic credits. The program offers:  

  • A safe, quiet, relaxed environment conducive to learning. 
  • Staff dedicated to employing a holistic approach to student learning and wellness. 
  • A smooth transition into the world of work or post-secondary education. 
  • A program that meets or exceeds GED standards 

Student Expectations 

Students in the Enterprise Program are expected to: 

  • Attend the program in-person on a daily basis 
  • Complete all required academic work 
  • Take responsibility for their own learning 
  • Respect staff, students and themselves 

Mission Statement 

The Enterprise Program strives to provide a positive learning environment where staff work collaboratively to support individual student success through student-centered programs. 

Program structure

The Enterprise Program is structured around a combination of academic, social, and community engagement.


The Enterprise Program’s curriculum is based upon the prescribed New Brunswick graduation requirements.  Students utilize the same textbooks and materials and meet the same curriculum outcomes as provincial high schools.   

There is a focus in the academic areas of math, English, French, science, social studies, technology, health/wellness and career exploration.  The program consists of self-paced and self-directed academic programs facilitated by teachers who provide in-person as well as online instruction and support.

Work Experience 

All students are required to complete 150 hours of work experience. These hours are to be confirmed by each student’s former or present employer. The Enterprise Centre staff will review each student’s work experience status on an individual basis. Our staff will connect students to work experience and training programs as needed.  

How to enroll

This program is available to students only through referral by the administration of their zoned high school. Please speak to your school’s administration to begin the referral process.

Completed applications will be accepted from ASDW administration once school-based interventions have occurred. All applications are to be submitted to the Education Centre electronically.  

Notice: Applications will only be accepted for youth who are registered in an ASDW High School and are at least 17 years old.

Upon receipt of referral, students will be placed on a waiting list. When an opening in the program becomes available, students will be contacted for an intake meeting interview.   

Program outcomes


Upon completion of the program, students will receive a diploma from their respective high school  issued by the Department of Education. The students’ transcript from The Enterprise Program is recognized by various colleges and educational institutions across the province. Graduates from the Enterprise Program may apply for any programs which call for a High School Diploma as the admission requirement. The Enterprise Centre conducts their own graduation ceremony in June where students will receive their diplomas. 

Location, Transportation, and Daily Schedule 


The Enterprise Program is delivered in the Enterprise Center, which is located at Fredericton High School. For detailed instructions of how to find the centre, go to the Enterprise Centre page.


It is the responsibility of the student to find transportation to and from the Centre. Students from FHS may continue to use their school bus, and those from LHHS may catch the transfer bus from Leo Hayes which runs in the mornings to FHS and back again after school. To find information on buses, see the district page on taking the bus to school.

Students who drive will be provided with parking passes which they need to display in order to park in the lot.  City bus passes can be obtained at the Centre for occasional use; however, those who plan to ride the city bus should purchase a student pass. 


The Centre follows the same school calendar as ASDW High Schools. Students attend half days.  

Morning Classes are held Monday to Thursday from 9:00-12:00. 

Afternoon Classes are held Monday to Thursday from 1:00-4:00. 


  • Enterprise Centre Brochure
    Last updated: June 26, 2024
  • Enterprise Centre Referral
    Last updated: November 26, 2021
  • Work Hours Form
    Last updated: November 26, 2021