Who’s got the skills to pay the bills? The students of ASD-W, that’s who!
And they proved as much on Saturday, April 27 at the Secondary Provincial Skills Canada NB Competition in Moncton.
Twenty district students competed against students from around the province to show proficiency in such skilled professions as aerospace technology, cabinetmaking, cooking, electrical installation, plumbing, video production, workplace safety, and more.
Students from five district high schools—Carleton North High School, Fredericton High School, Harvey High School, Leo Hayes High School, and Minto Memorial High School—took part, with 13 students earning medals. Six of those 13 medals were gold in the fields of electrical installations, carpentry, fashion technology, baking, cooking, and automotive technology.
Our six gold medalists will represent New Brunswick at the Skills Canada National Competition in Quebec City on May 30 and 31.
Well done all!
Our Winners
Automotive Technology

GOLD – Nicholas Hanscomb – Fredericton High School




Electrical Installation

GOLD – Keegan Barkman – Leo Hayes High School
Fashion Technology

GOLD – Annie McCaskill – Fredericton High School

Video Production

SILVER – Ashton Little & Kevin Scheffers-Roy – Harvey High School