Students from Leo Hayes and Fredericton high schools, as well as from École Sainte-Anne, will be the stars of the show Thursday at the opening of a new exhibit at Fredericton’s Charlotte Street Arts Centre.

The exhibit, Coming Up Next, features the visual artwork of 20-30 exceptionally talented area high school students. It will cover a variety of media, including paintings, photographs, sketches, computer-assisted design, sculpture, and textiles.
“Every teacher and every student I’ve talked about it with has been buzzing, so we’re pumped,” said Jason McIntyre, Charlotte Street Arts Centre events coordinator.
The event is meant to showcase the students’ works and encourage them to pursue further opportunities in art, McIntyre said.
“We’re treating it the same as we do with other artists, except we’re changing wine to juice,” said Charlotte Street Arts Centre Executive Director Courtney Steeves. “We want them to see what it’s like in a professional setting.”
The opening—which is free and open to the public—happens Thursday, March 16, from 5:30 pm-7 pm, at the Charlotte Street Arts Centre, 732 Charlotte Street, Fredericton. Students will be on hand to discuss their art, which will hang in the gallery until April 12. Media are invited to attend.