The official ribbon-cutting ceremony for Anglophone West School District’s (ASD-W’s) newest school, Hanwell Park Academy, took place on September 28. Students, families, teachers, school staff, municipal officials and representatives of ASD-W and the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development attended the ceremony, tours, and open house.
Refreshments were in abundance, and so were the smiles. Principal Pierre Plourde shared that “opening up a new school is like opening a gift daily – every day, we discover new and thrilling potential our students and staff have within our building.”
While Plourde, students, and officials in attendance, including the Education and Early Childhood Development Minister Dominic Cardy, officially cut the ribbon yesterday, the doors to Hanwell Park Academy opened on September 6 this year. Plourde commends his staff for helping to transform the school into a welcoming place for just over 500 students to learn and grow.
Among its many assets, the school features two gyms, a learning commons, outdoor learning spaces, music and performing arts rooms and technology labs.